

January - June 2018

Accidentally On Purpose

Struggling to provide explanations, these things just sort of happened, small worlds full of blackened houses, windmills, church yards and toxic waste. Perhaps as Anne Elliot once advised Captain Benwick, a larger allowance of prose is in order.

Saunders Waterford water colour paper 300gsm (140lb) smooth archival 180mm x 250mm (10" x 7") in off white with hand stitched beading (glass, acrylic and plastic) over water colour with marker, ink and pencil.

the slug

the before

 the dump

the dead

the rotten core

the slug
the before
the dump
the dead
the rotten core

January 2018
Bad Hair Day

Saunders Waterford water colour paper 300gsm (140lb) smooth archival 140mm x 190mm (5" x 7") in off white with hand stitched beading (glass, metal and plastic) over water colour with marker, ink and pencil.

January 2018
The Future of Plants

November - December 2017
Nobody Cares

I first read this short poem by Emily Dickinson in a high school literature class and it just stayed with me.  Particularly now in the age of social media madness I often think about it.  I'm a very private person however having worked in the commercial world for many years I do understand the need for marketing your work.  It's a push pull conflict.  Even now this series which I call Nobody Cares is buried in my Projects page which somewhat ironically nobody will look at.

I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us — don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

Saunders Waterford water colour paper 300gsm (140lb) rough archival 140mm x 190mm (5" x 7") in off white with hand stitched beading over water colour with pencil text.

June - November 2017
Cushion Project

Turning my digital artwork into practical everyday items mostly just to see if I could do it.  The collection is available from my Etsy CUSHION SHOP and can be produced in multiples to order.  

The designs combine elements produced through a process of digital manipulation of my own original photographs.

DOTTY FOR YOU knicker sewing kits also available.

June - December 2017

Saunders Waterford water colour paper 300gsm (140lb) rough archival 140mm x 190mm (5" x 7") in off white with hand stitched beading over water colour.

Ice Giants

January - February 2017
Wake UP!

Hand stitched beading and embroidery over water colour and ink on 148mm x 210mm paper.

December 2016  
A series of original abstract designs created digitally from my own photographs. 








  1. Some people do look :). I love your combining beading with ink and colour. Amazing!

  2. Thanks Francesca, very sweet of you to say.

  3. Your artwork is magnificent!
