

Caring for Collectables

 It took six days of hell to go from this... this.

The pace of the studio pack-up was definitely slowed by my constant discovery of forgotten treasures; lace made by my grandmothers, ribbons, vintage clothing, furs and buttons.  A tin of metal and Bakelite buttons given to me by a couple of great aunts had sadly started to rust and melt into each other.  All were sorted and repacked but it raises the question about how best to look after these precious objects.  I've never met a maker who didn't have a collection of some kind so the conundrum must be common place.
My clever friend Shellie recently launched a magazine dealing with exactly this topic.  A recent graduate of the Masters of Cultural Materials Conservation at Melbourne University, she and her friends saw a need to make this information available for collectors of all types both large and small.  

One successful crowd funding campaign later and The Condition Report was born.  The magazine offers insights into how collections are cared for and encompasses everything from a framed painting to rare and precious textiles.  You can subscribe or buy a copy directly from the National Gallery of Victoria or the Queensland Art Gallery of Modern Art

Another way to support the project is via a little book called The Conservator Versus Life.

Have a question or topic you'd like to see covered, contact The Condition Report right here

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