

Wardrobe V Pantry

Recently featured as part of a series of fashion related talks at the National Gallery of Victoria were the Melbourne based authors of WARDROBE V PANTRY who match photographs of fashion with food.

 So how hard can this be?....well, as it turns out, very! It was so hard in fact, that I gave up and started screen shopping.

So above a new cushion cover pattern I'm working on called POWDER PUFF and, after hours and hours of searching, it's food handbag nemesis c/o Dolce & Gabbana....chosen mostly because I just want one!

The POWDER PUFF shown is made from a selection of vintage feedsack fabrics found at L'uccello.  For the inner I re-purposed an old feather doona (feathers everywhere!); the bias binding used for the edge also came from L'uccello.  

The pattern for the POWDER PUFF will be released shortly.

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