

Tried & True sewing class

 Just confirmed, a TRIED & TRUE knicker making class at Tessuti in Melbourne.

Saturday November 10th is knicker making day, class runs from 11-4 but I'll be on hand from 10am to help with fabrics selections.  Class numbers are limited so be quick to book your spot.  The class will include a HOW TO attach knicker elastic demonstration and tips for achieving the perfect fit.
I'll have all the knicker patterns for sale on the day but be warned, knicker making is highly addictive!

1 comment:

  1. What a great opportunity, especially for ladies! I hope that you guys got the right fabric for your knicker-making workshop. The wrong choice of fabric could cause discomfort when wearing it. My wife used to do it before as a hobby. She used very smooth and soft material that if you ran your fingers through it, you could only feel the comfortable cloth. I think, that's the best thing about lingerie, feeling comfort and feeling sexy at the same time. Have a nice day!

    Ted Juhl
